No real changes

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    I can see by the posts that there has not been any real changes. This WAS a promising program, as I have stated to you before but it seems that either you have not time to dedicate to it or you have moved on to something else. This is great for a children’s program but to label it as something for business presentation it does not allot room for necessary customization with exception of those that you have programed into it. Not a whole lot of control over size amongst other things and at times, as I have stated to you over two to three years ago, it crashes after a few changes causing a project to be lost. BUSINESS persons do not have time to waste and when something like this is needed and crashes, time is wasted, time that is lost and cannot be won back again.

    I would think that you would consider the real potential of this program and work towards mastering the are of customer satisfaction but that is your choice. I just hate seeing real potential go to waste.



    I understand your feeling: It is true there is no new version since a while, but I am actually in the process of rewriting completely the new player to be able to have more advanced effects, better rendering quality, mac osx compatibility, stacked effects and a lot more features. It takes time, but I can tell you I did not moved to something else.

    I just finished a major update of my other product (Banner Effect) and I am now back to Slide Effect. You will see a new major version of Slide Effect in 2015, trust me! 🙂


    The new 1.12 version has been released and contains a lot of new features.(I said: trust me 🙂 )

    I am already working on 1.13.


    Hi Alain
    From your comments, I was expecting the new version to be available in May 2015. Any news on Version 1.13 yet?



    Well you are right I have to give some news:

    I started working on 1.13, but as things progressed I decided to transform the 1.13 release into a 2.0.

    What does it mean? First, the bad news: SE 2.0 files won’t be compatible with SE 1.0. I did many changes and added many many new things so it won’t be 1:1 compatible. I may add an import functionality but it is not 100% sure. Second bad news: no release before July/August.

    Regarding the good news there are a lot:
    – new look and feel.
    – new filter functionality to add a render effect to the slideshow (for example to render the slideshow as an old black and white movie)
    – add more than one effect on each object.
    – create and edit your own effects.
    – create and edit your own filters.
    – create and edit your own backgrounds.
    – create and edit your own transitions.
    – No more big “background addons”: Every user will be able to share its creation (transition/background/effect/…) in a few clicks from the application and be able to browse and download new content available too.
    – Audio is reworked.
    – And a lot of small changes/fixes to make the life easier for users.

    Of course, this 2.0 release will be freely available to any active customer (by active I mean within a valid “1 year of support” period).

    As I am late with this release I will probably give an extended support time for customers, more info on that later.


    Some “in work” screenshots:


    Thanks for the feedback. I look forward to the new version.


    Thanks for the update Alain. I’m excited about the work you’re doing.


    Hi Alain

    Any news on Slide effect 2.0?



    Yes sure: I am actually working on the new SE 2.0 website. I am adding an effects/transitions/backgrounds repository to share these between users of Slide Effect. You will be able to upload/download automatically every backgrounds and effects directly from the software.

    Here is an early screenshot of the current repository:

    Other than that, the beta is really close. I am working on side aspects, like the license system (On SE2, you won’t need to download a full version or a trial version, you will only have to enter a license key to turn the free version to standard or pro). I also worked a lot on the properties tab to make it cleaner, more modern and more intuitive.

    I still hope to release the beta before the end of the year.

    I will try to keep you informed.

    Thanks for your patience!

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