Slide Effect 2.0.30 released

We released today the version 2.0.30 of Slide Effect.

Changes in details:

  • Use now TLS1.2 to communicate to website
  • Pressing DEL button when editing properties do not delete the current object anymore
  • Fixed an issue when text is aligned to the right, sometimes some characters disappears.
  • Fixed an issue when creating movie with movie object flagged as “contains sound” with no sound.
  • corrected a tearing issue on some setup when exporting as movie.
  • preview display in effect editor fixed.
  • enhanced video importer.

    • thatsak on February 13, 2019 at 06:12

    how come when i create movie to presentation the background dont be on there i chose party and when its save its not there

    • alain on February 13, 2019 at 13:24
    • Author

    Did you install the movie codec package that comes with SE2?

  1. hey alan is there any progress …any updates ? btw my licenses is gone on the site ….
    best regards, dennis

    • alain on September 9, 2019 at 07:48
    • Author

    Hi Dennis,

    I just sent you an email.

  2. I have to set my key code in everytime I use slideeffect. Sometimes it works other times it doesn’t Mostly I just get a white screen where any movie clips should be.
    I did install a Codec package in but that doesn’t seem to have helped

  3. dear all. I have a same issue like “barrydk” = Mostly I just get a white screen where any movie clips should be.

    How can I fix this? I tried to insert lots of formats (avi, mp4, mov, wmv), but nothing helped me. I need to produce a movie video for 30 times (example) for receiving one times a nonwhite screen…its anoying 🙂

    thanks Kamil

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