Import YouTube Movies To Slide Effect

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    As Slide Effect can directly import Flash Movies (*.flv), sometimes you want to use a nice movie from YouTube (Or Google Video, DailyMotion, …) but there is no option on these website to download the movies.

    The following website are very useful for that, just drop the address of the movie you want and you can download the movie to directly use in Slide Effect!

    Keep Vid :
    Video DL :


    why it does not play the video i have inserted *.flv, any codec to update to play this video


    Should work.

    Can you send me the faulty flv file by mail, so i can give it a try?


    i have lots of downloaded from youtube using keepvid and it doesnt play the video only the sounds i can hear. can you give me sample project with sample of video on it.


    Yes, no problem, check this page:

    Especially “Musical Clip” and “Funky Musical Presentation”. these presentations contain Youtube movies.


    i have tried to insert a video clips it freezes the loading, if i import the sound track i can hear it but no video. and even not imported the audio it freezes the loading.


    You have maybe a codec problem. Can you please download the following pack of codecs:
    install it and try again?



    Alain, Hello im member since 4 days ago, and i love your product, just finished a presentation for my business product and business review to share with my contacts but when i upload the video on youtube it doesnt have sound music, why?

    I export the video at 720p HD so it can be seen better, can you help me with that?

    Thanks, i will be waiting for an answer.

    My email is if you want to write me there (as i dont know how to follor up a forum comment but i will search for your answer anyways in case you only reply here) , THANKS AGAIN!


    Atentamente: Pablo Gabriel D. S.


    I just sent you an email.

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